Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Its durn's birthday today! She received a few pressies from some nice ppl. Mom's too lazy to snap some pix of them tho'. They're basically nice Coach dog collars from abroad, as well as a soft toy too.

I'll try to snap a pix of them on my own later... since Mom's a lil' too bz, or lazy.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

We've Got...

Meals! opps, I meant.... Mails. Our mails finally arrived from the other side of the globe.... some of them with the help of Aunty Y too. Sincere thanks from all of us...

mails, mails, & more mails!

Dad's print, Cotton's print, Cotton's Stamp, Miniature Schnauzer's Door Knob Hangers! (Mom: doesn't the print look exactly like Cotton?! It wasn't customized (same for the stamp)! sucha coincidence! I might juz request this wonderful artist to customize a paintin of Birdeee soon!!)

great cutie hand-crafted door hangers! Mom's keepin the left 1 only